Step 1: Try Demo (done!)
Step 2: Upload Image
Step 3: Preview Image
Step 4: Get Keys
Choose a .jpg, .gif, or .png file to upload:

Single     Dual (coming soon!)     Quad (coming soon!)

Select an image file that you want made into a whiteboard image. Currently only .jpg, .gif, and .png files are supported.

Note that your image will be stretched to the dimensions of the whiteboard. This means that for example if your original image is tall and narrow, it will appear very distorted when resized to the whiteboard dimensions.

The next step (preview) will show approximately what your image will look like on the whiteboard, and if you don't like how it looks, you can resize or crop your image and come back to this step as many times as needed.

DO NOT upload pornographic or excessively graphic images! I monitor the images that are posted and if you break this rule I will ban you! So be nice.